Understanding Cataracts: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Options


Cataracts are an eye condition that can affect anyone, particularly as they get older in age. Even if you are not currently at risk of having cataracts, it's important to understand the causes, recognize the symptoms, and know the available treatment options. This will help you better understand the process if it were to happen to a friend or family member, and better prepare you for the warning signs in the future.

19 July 2023

People With Diabetes Need To Have Their Eyes Checked Yearly


If you have diabetes, there are things that you need to have checked more frequently. For example, you need to have your feet checked every time you see your primary care physician, and you need to get your eyes checked every year. Those two parts of the body are heavily affected by diabetes, so keeping a close eye on them will let you and your doctor head off any problems before they really get started.

21 March 2023

When To Go To The Eye Doctor


Regular eye exams are important for the future health and well-being of your eyes. However, there may be other times when you should go to the eye doctor as well. You can read about some of the things that you should go in right away to see the eye doctor for in this article. You get a foreign object in your eye  If you get something in your eye, you don't want to rub it.

3 August 2022

What Can You Do To Make Using Contacts More Comfortable?


When you first switch from glasses to contacts, it can take a while to get used to them — the sensation of a lens resting against your cornea will be very noticeable at first. If the discomfort doesn't subside, however, there are a few strategies you can try that can make wearing your contacts more comfortable. To learn about what you can do to reduce any discomfort caused by wearing contacts, read on.

4 April 2022

4 Reasons To Consider Prescription Contact Lenses


Currently, about 12 million Americans over 40 years have a vision impairment of some kind. Most of these vision problems can be corrected through eyeglasses or surgery. If you wear glasses and are tired of being dependent on prescription eyeglass wear, then contact lenses may be your answer. Prescription contact lenses can correct vision, improve your appearance, and provide comfort. Why Should You Wear Prescription Contact Lenses? Prescription contact lenses treat different vision problems, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, or presbyopia.

22 September 2021

4 Tips For Good Eye Health


When you have good vision, it can be easy to take your eyes for granted. This is a mistake because, when your eyes are not functioning, life can become very difficult. The best way to ensure that your eyes are always in optimal health is to actually take the time to take care of them. You may be wondering how exactly you can take care of your eyes. Here are some tips that will help you.

13 May 2021

What You Need to Know When Taking Care of Your Eye Health as a Diabetic


If you have diabetes, your eyes are going to need a different type of care to prevent issues that may require you to have surgery. As a diabetic, you are going to experience a lot of issues with your health, and issues that are going to require you to monitor. If you are a diabetic, read on for things you can do to take care of your eye health. Watch For Issues

3 February 2021